Brick House Cigars are a well-known brand in the cigar world, recognized for their rich flavour and quality construction. They’re produced by J.C. Newman Cigar Company, a family-owned business with a long history in the cigar industry dating back to 1895.
Brick House Cigars are crafted with a blend of Nicaraguan tobaccos, offering a smooth yet robust smoking experience. The name “Brick House” harkens back to the original J.C. Newman family home, which was built from bricks made by their own family business.
Wrapped in a hearty Havana Subido™ leaf, every cigar features a rich blend of Nicaraguan tobaccos carefully hand-rolled by master artisans. Aged in the mountains of Nicaragua, every Brick House cigar is a melding of flawless construction, superb quality, and master blend.
